Wal­mart is next in line on na­tion­al opi­oid set­tle­ment, pay­ing $3B+ for its role in epi­dem­ic

November 16, 2022

Fol­low­ing opi­oid-re­lat­ed set­tle­ments from CVS and Wal­greens with states and oth­er na­tion­al groups, Wal­mart is now do­ing the same: not ad­mit­ting any guilt but agree­ing to pay more than $3 bil­lion.

Wal­mart an­nounced the set­tle­ment Tues­day morn­ing, adding that it had agreed to “fi­nan­cial amounts and pay­ment terms to re­solve sub­stan­tial­ly all opi­oids-re­lat­ed law­suits filed against the Com­pa­ny, as well as all po­ten …

Read the source article at endpts.com
2022-11-15 19:50:49

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