US Could Save Nearly $4 Trillion by Addressing Health Equity

November 3, 2022

New data released by the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease (PFCD) shows that the US could save $3.8 trillion by addressing health equity in people with chronic health issues. On a more granular level, the study found that the nation would cut healthcare costs by $2.7 trillion and recoup another $1.1 due to lost work hours in 10 years.

According to Business Wire, “$3.8 trillion could be saved in reduced medical and lost work productivity if the U.S. healthcare system worked to empower all people living with chronic and tools to empower patients in communities of color and committed to redressing social and structural determinants of health, like systemic racism.”

To read more, click here.

(Source: Bakersfield, November 2nd, 2022)

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