Transforming Value-Based Care: 4 Areas of Focus

September 29, 2022

The US spends more than any other nation on healthcare, yet falls behind in many different measures of health outcomes, such as life expectancy, preventable hospitalization, and avoidable deaths. Value-based care has been presented as a way forward, replacing the current fee-for-service model that negatively impacts patients and clinicians. In a new article, Jacqueline LaPointe of Xtelligent Media speaks about the four key areas to work on to advance value-based carea.

According to LaPointe, “Value-based contracts align system goals (better quality at lower costs) with physician compensation. At Mount Sinai, for example, Fields thought about “risk-adjusted panel size compensation models for our physicians.” Providers who care for more Medicaid and/or Medicaid patients can also win under value-based contracts since the contracting strategy encourages higher quality care, not higher volumes of services. This also decreases physician burnout while keeping the healthcare organization competitive.”

To read more, click here.

(Source: Revcycle Intelligence, September 28th, 2022)

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