The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Systems

June 6, 2022

A recently posted preprint systematic review in medRxiv has assessed the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare systems and society worldwide. The researchers filtered over 10,000 papers, selecting 41 of them for economic analysis. Data from several countries and provinces showed that community screening, vaccination, and prevention measures were cost-effective, with few exceptions. Meanwhile, the cost of hospitalization and death was steep.

According to, “In Italy, the temporary and permanent productivity losses due to COVID-19 were estimated at 1,029 € per case and 84,836 € per death, respectively. Higher costs were incurred during the initial COVID-19 phase due to vaccine unavailability. In Ohio, the cost of lives lost was ~7.8 billion €. For children hospitalized due to COVID-19 in Korea, the total costs were 252,389 € and for inpatient settings, the cost was estimated at 19,513 € during eight months of hospitalization.”

Click here to read more.

(Source: News Medical Life Sciences, June 6th, 2022)

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