Science Invites Insight on 20th Anniversary of Human Genome Sequencing Project

February 9, 2021

Leading journal Science invited researchers to share insight into data integrity, polygenic disease risk, ethics related to genomics, the downfalls of insufficient diversity, and affordability in precision medicine, among other topics. Despite considerable progress into understanding disease and effectively using big data since the human genome was sequenced, important points of discussion remain.

“Various methods have been developed for integrating affordability and value, but cost-effectiveness analyses often do not examine the budget impact, which can result in incomplete or contradictory conclusions (20). However, assessments that consider affordability and value simultaneously, such as those by the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, are becoming more accepted by decisionmakers (21). The growing consideration of both affordability and value is less a result of methodological advances than of an increased focus on how to ensure sustainable and efficient health care (and the corresponding political will to do so).” Read the article here.

(Source: Maxson et al., Science, 2/5/21)

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