RWD in Action: Determining COVID-19 Reinfection Odds

March 29, 2021

RWD (real world data) is critical in understanding the likelihood of COVID-19 reinfection. One recent study sought to identify the level of protection resulting from humoral antibody response. Carly Kabelac discusses the study’s methodology, including the utilization of health insurance data from HealthVerity’s Marketplace to identify 3.2 million patients in the United States.

Kabelac notes, “The results of this study suggest that individuals who are antibody positive for COVID-19, based on commercial assays, may be at a decreased risk of future COVID-19 infection. This is encouraging evidence that achieving herd immunity may be possible, especially in conjunction with vaccine deployment. Additionally, these results lay the groundwork for future RWE studies to leverage a representative population in near-real time to estimate the relative risk of COVID-19 reinfection, understand how that risk may change over time, and identify populations that may be more at risk for reinfection.” Read more here.

(Source: Carly Kabelac, Aetion, 3/18/21)

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