Real-World Evidence Study Finds Lifescan Blood Glucose Meter and App Improves Diabetes Symptoms

May 19, 2023

Two real-world evidence (RWE) studies published in Diabetes Therapy and Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics found that 2 daily blood glucose measurements with Lifescan’s  OneTouch Verio Reflectt® glucose monitoring device and accompanying OneTouch Reveal® app are associated with improved glycemic control in patients with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The study covered 55,000 patients with diabetes over 180 days.

According to Lifescan, “The real-world data demonstrated that PwT2D saw sustained, clinically significant improvements when engaging in just one to two OTR mobile app sessions per week, and performing one to two OTVR meter checks per day, over 180 days (n=3,563), including: Reduced mean glucose by -20.0 mg/dL in PwT2D; improved glucose readings in range in PwT2D by +12.0 percentage points; and     Reduced hyperglycemic readings (>180 mg/dL) by -12.2 percentage points in PwT2D”

To read more, click here.

(Source: PR Newswire, May 18th, 2023)

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