Pro­tect­ing its megablock­buster, Janssen chal­lenges Am­gen’s Ste­lara biosim­i­lar ahead of planned 2023 launch

November 30, 2022

John­son & John­son unit Janssen on Wednes­day sued Am­gen over the com­pa­ny’s pro­posed biosim­i­lar to its megablock­buster Ste­lara (ustek­inum­ab), af­ter Am­gen said it was ready to launch next May or as soon as the FDA signs off on it.

If Am­gen car­ries through with that plan, Janssen told the Delaware dis­trict court that the Thou­sand Oaks, CA-based com­pa­ny will in­fringe on at least two Janssen patents.

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2022-11-30 19:02:07

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