Perspectives on Usable RWD in COVID-19 Era at Aetion Summit

February 2, 2021

The massive amount of RWD (real world data) has been a growing issue in the past several years. The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as data collection related to vaccine development, prompted a closer look into how to manage data by health care providers and related industries. Aetion hosted a summit where industry leaders discussed RWD challenges and solutions.

According to Ryan Fukushima of Tempus, “When we work on external comparator projects, we spend much time and effort fostering relationships with health care providers to understand exactly where the data came from,” Ryan said. “That way, we can provide this information to FDA reviewers instead of asking them to ‘trust us.’” Learn more here.

(Source:, Nicolle Gatto, PhD, Aetion, 1/21/21)

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