Patients as Partners: Investing in Self-Care for Better Health

March 11, 2022

doctor consulting patient

Patients are often considered recipients of healthcare. However, David Williams, Chief Medical Officer at VISFO, argues that patients should be positioned as partners with their clinicians in a new PM Live article. He argues that using collaborative patient-clinician problem solving could help improve health outcomes. Self-care could be promoted and supported with the use of mobile health apps, but improvements need to be made before this goal can come to fruition.

According to Williams, “Of the 262,000 health apps available to download today, ORCHA has reviewed 10,000 to date with mixed results. 15 of those apps focused specifically on systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) and when assessed against ORCHA’s 350-point checklist, just one app was able to provide evidence of efficacy and clinical assurance. Just one!”

Read more by clicking here.

(Source: PM Live, March 11th, 2022)

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