OMNY Health Unveils New Real-World Data Platform for Ophthalmology

May 13, 2022

OMNY Health has announced its new ophthalmology real-world data (RWD) platform. Created in partnership with community-based ophthalmology clinics, the platform takes electronic health record (EHR) data to drive research, empower treatment decisions, and discern the impact of social determinates of health. The dataset includes de-identified retinal scans and other clinical data.

According to David Hutton, “A diverse set of providers are participating in the ecosystem, from large independent ophthalmology group practices to academic medical centers, integrated delivery networks, specialty hospitals, and regional health systems. Practices participating in the OMNY ecosystem will leverage OMNY’s platform to opt into clinical trials, prospective observational surveys, and other collaborative research opportunities.”

Read more by clicking here.

(Source: Opthalmology Times, May 13th, 2022)

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