New Study Will Investigate Effect of Racial Inequity on Caregiver Resources and Health Outcomes

July 12, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the public spotlight on racial disparities of health outcomes, but little research has been done to examine the effects of systemic racism on caregivers for people with serious illness. A new study by Professor Susan Desanto-Madeya at the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing will investigate the links between racial identity, segregation, neighborhood deprivation, and healthcare utilization and how these affect palliative care and general health outcomes.

According to Patrick Luce, “Structural inequities and neighborhood racial/ethnic segregation may affect serious illness outcomes by limiting access to palliative care, a specialty that focuses on optimizing the quality of life for persons living with serious illness and their family caregivers, and limiting the capacity for family caregivers to engage with the healthcare system.  Family caregivers are critical for this population as they assist with complex decision-making, care coordination, and patient advocacy.”

To read more, click here.

(Source: July 11th, 2022)

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