New Study Examines Perspective and Costing in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

September 11, 2020

A recent study examined perspective and costing approaches used in cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) and the distribution of reported incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). To perform the analysis, researchers examined 6907 cost-per-quality-adjusted-life-year (QALY) and 698 cost-per-disability-adjusted-life-year (DALY) studies published through 2018. They found that the analytic perspective (e.g. healthcare payer or a healthcare sector perspective) assumed in cost-effectiveness analysis determined which costs and benefits are included. Thus, despite its importance, study authors often mis-specified or did not clearly state the perspective used. Access the full study here.

(Kim, D.D., Silver, M.C., Kunst, N. et al. Perspective and Costing in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, 1974–2018. PharmacoEconomics 38, 1135–1145 (2020).

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