Incoming ISPOR President Talks HEOR

August 16, 2022

Jan Elias Hansen, PhD, will soon take the reins as the ISPOR President for 2022-2023. In this month’s Value & Outcomes Spotlight, Hansen talks about her plans for the organization and her outlook on the field of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR). Her plan is to engage healthcare stakeholders, apply insights and methods from HEOR to current challenges in healthcare, and inform thought and discussion around issues with HEOR-based perspectives. In addition, she lays out the recent impact of the organization.

According to Hansen, “ISPOR regional chapters have recently been involved in the development of national guidelines in an expansive set of countries including Algeria, Chile, Czech Republic, Ghana, India, Hungary, South Africa, New Zealand, and Thailand. Through the engagement of ISPOR chapters with these national governments, ISPOR members have been able to influence health technology assessment, pricing and reimbursement, and economic evaluation approaches used in these countries.”

To read more, click here.

(Source: ISPOR, August 16th, 2022)

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