Improving Specialty Pharmacy IT to Improve Patient Outcomes

February 9, 2023

Syringe with glass vials and medications pills drug

Health information technology (IT) has rapidly advanced over the past few decades, changing the specialty pharmacy industry. However, key inefficiencies remain that, if addressed, could help patients experience better health outcomes. In a new Pharmacy Times article, learn about these inefficiencies and possible solutions to them.

According to Dan Paul and Mackenzie Goltz, “One effort towards gaining efficiency in the specialty pharmacy exists in dispensing of the medications themselves. Currently, many specialty drugs require dose titration or escalation to reach the desired efficacy. To communicate these adjustments, the pharmacist must enter duplicate prescriptions, verify duplicate orders, and dispense multiple medication vials that appear the same based on the manufacturer’s instructions. The format is cumbersome and not intuitive for the patient to understand, which leads to additional adherence outreach and excessive telephone communication.”

To read more, click here.

(Source: Pharmacy Times, February 8th, 2023)

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