Extracting Maximum Value from Health Spending

September 25, 2020

From 1990 thru 2015, the United States experienced a 3.3 -year increase in life expectancy.  In a recently published study, Harvard researchers attributed much of that increase (44%) to public health interventions such as smoking reduction and seatbelt usage. This was followed by pharmaceuticals, which contributed  35% to the increase, representing a three-fold higher contribution to increased life expectancy than from all other medical interventions combined. This study highlights the crucial role pharmaceuticals play in preventing leading causes of death, such as cancer and heart disease. An RTI International and National Pharmaceutical Council study found similar results. In a time of limited healthcare dollars, policymakers, organizations and other key stakeholders would do well to take heed. Read the full study here.

(Source: Buxbaum, JD et al. Contributions Of Public Health, Pharmaceuticals, And Other Medical Care To US Life Expectancy Changes, 1990-2015. Health Affairs, Vol 30 No 8 Sep 2020)

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