Eli Lilly Purchases Rights to Develop Proteo-lipid Drug Delivery Systems

January 7, 2022

Eli Lilly has started a collaboration with Entos Pharmaceuticals to develop Proteo-lipid vehicles (PLVs) for drug delivery. Entos will receive $50 million up front and up to $400 million in milestones. The companies seek to use the technology to deliver drugs to the nervous system, which is sequestered by the blood-brain barrier, which complicates drug development for neurological diseases.

According to Amber Tong of Endpoints News, “Entos’ proposed solution involves a formulation of neutral lipids and what it calls FAST proteins (which stands for fusion-associated small transmembrane). The company was founded by three academics, who claim the technology combines a low-toxicity profile with “highly efficient fusion and intracellular delivery” of the payload.”

Read the entire article by clicking here.

(Source: Endpoints News, January 6th, 2022)

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