[E-Book] Representation and diversity in clinical trials

November 4, 2020

As clinical trials are the gold standard for evidence-based medicine, it is essential for researchers to be as inclusive as possible with respect to study populations when designing trials. Historically, diversity has not been a serious consideration in the minds of researchers when studying new medications. Most clinical trials enrolled white males located near urban research centers.

This disparity has taken on new significance during the Covid-19 pandemic, in which hundreds of clinical trials of potential vaccines and therapeutics have been launched. Without greater representation, its impossible to know for certain how effective a therapy will be in certain populations — or whether it might pose an additional risk to a particular pool of patients.

In this ebook, STAT draws upon real-life examples to outline strategies aimed at increasing equitable inclusion in clinical trials. The stories underscores the urgent need to move the needle toward more representative trials. Download the ebook here.

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