AMA Podcast: Health IT Shifts from a Hassle to Essential Tool for Improving Care

February 22, 2022

Despite a track record of frustration for patients and providers, healthcare technology has evolved during the pandemic into a crucial tool to improve patient care, according to an episode of the American Medical Association’s podcast, “Making the Rounds.” One example has been the meteoric rise of telemedicine.

In the podcast, Dr. Ann Marie Navar, Associate Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, says, “There’s a lot to be said for the value of an interpersonal visit, but it’s also inconvenient. Some of my patients have to drive long distances to get to my clinic, and being able to offer the ability to consult via telemedicine is a nice way to help increase access to care.”

Click here to learn more and listen to the podcast.

(Source: AMA, February 21st, 2022)

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