Aetion Co-Founder and President Discusses Bias in RWE Studies

March 26, 2021

One major challenge for researchers utilizing RWE (real world evidence) in their studies is avoiding biases. In contrast, RCTs (randomized controlled trials) do not face this issue. Aetion Co-Founder, President, and Chief Science Officer Jeremy Rassen, Sc.D. discusses his thoughts in light of his recent publication using EHR data. He notes important study design factors when it comes to using RWD (real world data).

Rassen notes, “Our analysis illustrates that proper study design is critical to controlling bias. It also highlights the key principles we must consider when working with RWD—as these data were created for purposes other than for research. In the end, our findings more aligned with limited RCT evidence than the original studies. As we continue to advance our understanding of where and how RWE can complement RCTs, this study builds upon findings from the RCT DUPLICATE project and other efforts to understand which kinds of RWE studies are likely to yield results that are meaningful and decision-ready.” Read more here.


(Source: Aetion, 3/11/2021)

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