5 Questions for the New Chair of NICE Sharmila Nebhrajani

July 31, 2020

S. Nebharajani assumed the role of chair of NICE in May 2020, most recently serving as CEO of Wilton Park, leading the Global Health program looking at issues of AI and data for health systems in Africa, Asia, among other responsibilities.  Medscape UK sat down for an interview, exploring Negharajani’s views on the organization today, how NICE will address COVID-19, and what future challenges she anticipates for the organization.  Personalized medicine health advances, the rise of AI and machine learning and its impact on medicine, and how NICE can help catalyze the adoption of innovation by the NHS are some future challenges for the organization.

What other areas of focus will the new chair of NICE bring?  Read more.

(Source: Harris S, Medscape UK, July 31, 2020)

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